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Welcome to my personal website. Here you can find notes about things I’m studying and other stuff.

Collections in Rust

Vector Creation and isertion // create vector let v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new(); let v = vec![1, 2, 3]; // insert elements v.push(5); When a Vector goes out of scope all its elements are freed. Read elements To read an element we have two options: let third: &i32 = &v[2]; v.get(2) // returns Option If we try to access an out of bound elment in the first case the program panics. Therefore the second is better for these cases....

October 22, 2021 · Samuel Martins

Error handling in Rust

Errors are managed by the type: enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E), } We can use the operator match to manage them or other ways explained below. Unrecoverable Errors panic!("crash and burn"); Ex. access an out of bound index in an array. Fast retrive of value To retrive value from a Result we can use the following methods: .unwrap() .expected("error message") if Result contains an Err the program panics Propagation To propagate an error you can either return an Err or use the ?...

October 21, 2021 · Samuel Martins